
Why SAF produced from algae is better

SAF is SAF, but some types of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) are better than others. Research shows that SAF made from algae has a better CO2 footprint than the product that is made from feedstock such as waste fats, oils, and greases.

The good thing about all SAF is that it is claimed to have a 70% reduced carbon footprint compared to traditional jet fuel. But there is more. Algae can be grown in seawater vessels, allowing greater quantities of oil to be produced from a smaller land surface area. That, in itself is a pro that reduces The production of algae-based SAF does not deplete freshwater and has little or no impact on the food chain.

TravelTomorrow reports that research also shows that some algae produce far more SAF – up to seven times more – than SAF than other types. The bottom line of this may be that the production cost of algae-based can be reduced significantly over time.