SAF now also utilised in helicopters
Noordzee Helikopters Vlaanderen (NHV) has become the first helicopter operator to conduct a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) flight in the offshore wind sector in collaboration with partner TotalEnergies.
The first helicopter flight on sustainable aviation fuel took place on October 3 from NHV's headquarters in Ostend, Belgium. This flight took passenger to a platform in the North Sea that bundles cables from offshore wind farms and connects them to the mainland.
Aviation24 reports that, during this flight, the use of renewable jet fuel from TotalEnergies reduced C02 emissions by 27%. The sustainable jet fuel is produced in Europe and made from waste and residues from the circular economy, such as used cooking oil. The renewable fraction reduces up to 90% of life-cycle CO2 emissions, compared to the fossil equivalent. Once produced, this renewable fraction is blended with up to 70% traditional fuel (JET A).