How to make the best of every flight

2-2-2016 15:42:15

How to make the best of every flightIf you travel often, you will recognise that there are two things that bother airline passengers most: the claustrophobia – being placed in a small environment – and the invasion of personal space. If you find handling these aspects of air travel hard, you should read David Tuffley’s 20-page ebook about air travel.

‘Airline Passenger Etiquette: Guide to Modern Airline Travel’ explains how to make air travel easier for yourself and for the people around you. No matter if you fly economy or business class – there will be a neighbouring passenger. Tuffley concludes: “The essence of airline passenger etiquette is simply to be considerate. Ask yourself how you would like it if someone did to you what you are doing to them. If the answer is no you do not like it, then do not do it to others – as simple as that.”

The author explains about how claustrophobia works, how we feel about personal space and how to avoid feeling uncomfortable. In other words, how to have a great flight, anytime!

Tuffley adds a word of advice: be grateful. “A hundred years ago, travelling several thousand kilometres would have been immensely arduous, time-consuming, uncomfortable and dangerous, not to mention expensive. How fortunate you are to be able to avoid all that for just a few hundred dollars and a couple of hours of your valuable time. Unless we figure out how to beam people from place to place like in Star Trek, it is still the easiest way to get to far-off places.”

Buy/download the ebook on iTunes for €1.50:
Airline Passenger Etiquette: Guide to Modern Airline Travel'. iBooks.

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