
Virgin Atlantic plans the world’s first 100% SAF flight

Virgin Atlantic plans to fly the world’s first 100% SAF flight. The airline, member of SkyTeam, will fly a 100% SAF-fuelled Boeing 787 Dreamliner from London Heathrow airport to New York JFK airport on 28th November 2023.

The test flight in November will demonstrate the potential of SAF as a 100% drop-in replacement for fossil fuel. Until now, fuel standards allow for just a 50% SAF blend in commercial jet engines. – and today, not tomorrow.

Image by Virgin Atlantic

Virgin Atlantic and Rolls-Royce have confirmed a successful ground test of a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) blend with the Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engine. SAF can deliver CO2 lifecycle emissions savings of more than 70% whilst performing like traditional jet fuel. Confirming the safety of the fuel marks a key milestone in the project. It also aviation to enter the next stage: the world’s first 100% SAF flight across the Atlantic.

According to a report on Aircraft Interiors, this SAF trial is significant for aviation, as it demonstrates the potential for 100% SAF to be used in today’s engine, airframes and fuel infrastructure for long-haul flight. It is also a major step for Virgin Atlantic, as the airline is investigating sustainability measures that can help it meet the Net Zero targets for 2050.