Vilnius Airport opens cinema

2015/07/24 11:00:46

Vilnius Airport opens cinemaIf you are on Vilnius Airport in Lithuania and have some spare time before your flight, you can now enjoy a movie at the airport’s new cinema: Filmbox LT. The airport claims it is the first ‘airside cinema’ in Europe.

The cinema is located in the renewed departure area of Vilnius Airport next to the gate A2. It offers a few dozen seats. The cinema will show short movies, documentaries and cartoons by Lithuanian filmmakers – with English subtitles. The cinema was implemented in co-operation with the Lithuanian Film Centre.

The first visitors watched the 11-minute film 'Forest', created by local film maker Ignas Meilūnas. The film repertoire will be regularly changed and the cinema will soon introduce full-length movies.

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Image by Lithuanian Film Centre

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