Safest cities in the world: Osaka, Amsterdam and Sydney

2015/12/23 14:32:00

OsakaShould you be walking back to your hotel late at night after a business dinner in a large foreign city? How safe is it to be out there? The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has the answer for you. It listed the world’s safest cities to live in and to travel to: Osaka, Amsterdam and Sydney.

The BBC reports that the list was compiled by weighing factors like personal safety, infrastructure stability, health stability and digital security technology. Together with Tokyo, Osaka is known as the world’s safest city. In coffee shops, locals tend to leave their belongings on their tables unattended, while ordering at the counter. That should tell you something…

Amsterdam, relatively small compared to other cities on the EIU’s list, also scored high on the list, followed by Sydney. Australia’s largest city has a neighbourhood-oriented culture that keeps residents feeling safe.

High on the list of safe cities are Singapore, that takes law enforcement seriously, resulting in a very secure environment, and Stockholm. Stockholm’s natural light in summer, paired with a well-lit city centre in darker times of the year, contributes to a feeling of safe public spaces.

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