Houston Airport: faster security checks

2018/8/28 8:14:05

George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston has invested in speedy security screening of passengers. The use of automated screening lane (ASL) technology has been expanded at the airport.

Passengers will be screened at new automated screening lanes in Terminal E, in addition to Terminal D. The automated screening lanes incorporate enhanced capabilities at the security checkpoint while improving the passenger experience.

The facilities should help speed up passenger handling at this busy airport. The ASL technology offer both speed and privacy. Passengers now have their own area to divest personal items for placement in bins, which allows them to move at their own pace. AirportWorld reports that conveyor belts automatically return bins to the front of the divesting area for passengers, which allows TSA officers to remain focused on detecting threats rather than moving bins to the front of the queue.

Also, a second conveyor belt automatically separates items that pass inspection from those that require a secondary check.

Further reading on airport-world.com

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