“BlueBook could widen our circle of informers”

2013/06/08 19:39:04

Hanneke van Bindsbergen, producer of Travel TV show ‘3 Op Reis’

The producers of this Dutch travel TV show have a tough job of preparing travel features all over the world and making sure the hosts of the show can do their job properly, says ‘3 Op Reis’ producer Hanneke van Bindsbergen. BlueBook may be very a very useful tool to ‘3 Op Reis’.

Hanneke van BindsbergenOne organisation that may benefit from BlueBook’s travel info exchange functionality is ‘3 Op Reis’. The producers of this Dutch travel TV show have a tough job of preparing travel features all over the world and making sure the hosts of the show can do their job properly, says ‘3 Op Reis’ producer Hanneke van Bindsbergen.

Did you know that a TV-crew without is winged without a proper tripod? A cameraman cannot shoot the right video in Bangkok, Rome or New York if the tripod for his camera did not make the connection at the stopover the crew had to make at some destination. This and other small but important facts show why preparing trips for a TV travel show can be a complicated job. As Hanneke van Bindsbergen explains: “In order not to loose indispensible items on the way from Amsterdam to the destination, we prefer travelling on direct flights and avoid stopovers.”

Budgets and schedules

The itineraries that Hanneke and her colleagues at BNN TV prepare for the six hosts that travel all over the world, can be rather packed. “Like any business, we have to stick to a budget. When our host Dennis Storm covers interesting holiday spots in Greece, we try to include as many interesting topics as possible in a short time. It means our schedules are tight, with as much travel flexibility as possible. We need to be able to overcome any setback on these trips.”

There is no lack of setbacks in this business. “Our host Floortje Dessing got stranded with her four-wheel drive car in a remote part of Central Asia. Her schedule allowed for some bad luck, but not for too much of it!”

Paperwork and visa

The success of the immensely popular show depends for a large part on the preparation. “Getting all the paperwork done, and the journalist visa for the crew and the official video clearances prepared is all-important. The smallest details can have great consequences… We try eliminate as much uncertainties as possible.” Preparing for complicated trips to lesser-known destinations, ‘3 Op Reis’ has to rely heavily on information provided by locals, expats and foreign correspondents. “We create our own circle of informers, both to get the right ideas and content for the show, but also to find out about the practicalities of the trip for our crew.”

Hanneke van Bindsbergen is therefore interested to learn more about BlueBook’s important features like ‘Ask & Contribute’, where ‘Local Guides’ from the BlueBiz travel bookers community offer their help. “This feature could widen our circle of contributors and informers.”


BNN is Holland’s most wayward public broadcasting network. BNN provides about 325 Television- and 2000 Radio hours per year. With its remarkable and original programming – always trying to break new grounds and sometimes crossing over fixed borders– on radio as well as on TV, BNN knows how to attract the attention of young audience. In a recent survey held by a renowned research bureau, BNN was named as thé network for young people in The Netherlands.

BNN – New Media

Besides being a popular radio- and television broadcaster, BNN is an innovative player in the field of new media. On average 2 million unique browsers visit our websites every month. This makes us one of the best performing non-commercial channels on the Dutch web. As of 2012 bnn.nl has cemented a spot in the top most visited broadcasting sites. Not in the least because of our successful ‘3 op Reis’ website and its 315.000 pageviews every month!

What kind of information would you want from a ‘Local Guide’?

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