Airbräu Munich - The world's only airport brewery

2015/04/09 15:43:46

When on Munich Airport, do take a 30-minute brew tour, listen to some live music or just sit within the huge, open-air seating area with a beer. ‘Munich’ is the only airport in the world that offers its own brewery.

Airbräu Munich - The world's only airport brewery The brewery crafts its own beers in compliance with the exacting standards of the Purity Decree of 1516. The brewery uses only hops from the renowned Hallertau region and the finest Hofbräuhaus brewer's yeasts. The restaurant offers local dishes like roast pork, served with a traditional Bavarian beer sauce, with pretzel dumpling and cole slaw with bacon.

If you happen to be transferring in Munich in the evening, you may be in luck. Airbräu offer the best evening entertainment at Munich Airport. Young, up-and-coming talent and established artists perform here – almost always free of charge.

Image by Munich Airport

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