
Consortium develops safe hydrogen storage tank for in aircraft

A group of ten innovative companies from six European countries is developing a new low-pressure cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage tank for aircraft. The work of the OVERLEAF consortium, that includes TU Delft University, brings hydrogen-powered flying an important step closer.

TU Delft researchers Dr. Roger Groves (Aerospace Engineering) and Dr. Lars Bannenberg (Applied Sciences) and technician Herman Schroeders (Applied Sciences) have contributed to the development of the OVERLEAF hydrogen storage tank for aircraft, by applying sensor technology for the safety systems of these hydrogen storage tanks.

TU Delft reports that flying on hydrogen is considered a major step towards climate neutral aviation. But it is also a step that comes with major challenges. One of these is that the hydrogen needs to be stored and used safely, efficiently and affordably on board aircraft.

The novel low-pressure cryogenic liquid hydrogen storage tank for aircraft is based on the combination of innovative functional and high-performance materials, thermal insulating materials  and hydrogen leak detection sensors.