
Schiphol tests innovation to filter air on the apron

Schiphol is piloting an innovative air filtration device on the airport's apron to reduce ultrafine particles. The device, developed by Van Wees Innovations, aims to improve working conditions and air quality.

Image by Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has launched a pilot program to test an innovative air filtration system designed to reduce ultrafine particles on the airport’s apron. The device, developed by Van Wees Innovations, aims to enhance the working environment for airport employees by improving air quality.

Clean air

Last year, Schiphol conducted a successful pilot with this device at a fire station near the runways. The device almost fully cleaned the air, despite the building being in use 24/7 with frequent opening of doors and windows, resulting in an average reduction of 75% in ultrafine particles. Now, Schiphol is investigating whether this technology can achieve similar results outdoors on the apron.

Ultrafine particles

In addition to the air filtration device, Schiphol is implementing several initiatives to reduce ultrafine particle concentrations. The airport is working towards introducing a green zone around the piers, where plane engines will no longer start up by the end of 2027. Schiphol is also collaborating with partners from the TULIPS consortium to advance research into using mist to remove ultrafine particles from the air. Moreover, modified departure procedures have been introduced at two gates with high ultrafine particle concentrations.