
IATA starts annual tracking of decarbonization in aviation

IATA, the International Air Transport Association, is to launch ‘Track Zero’, an annual report in which it monitors the progress of the aviation industry in achieving its commitment to Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050.

To compile the annual report, IATA will collect, validate and analyse data from IATA member airlines on an industry-wide scale. The first report, containing airline-contributed data, is scheduled for publication in Q4 2024. GreenWorldWide reports that non-IATA member airlines are also encouraged to take part in this reporting initiative.

To report on the progress made, IATA will utilize the Net Zero Tracking Methodology, with key features for standardization, accuracy and comprehensiveness. It establishes a transparent framework that ensures accurate reporting and can be adopted industrywide. It also incorporates best practices for data collection and validation, minimizing administrative burdens.

The methodology used by IATA allows for complete reporting of various decarbonization activities throughout the lifecycle, including the use of conventional and sustainable aviation fuel, carbon offsets and capture, as well as future power sources like hybrid-electric, electric, and hydrogen-powered aircraft.