
Fokker Next Gen aims to build hydrogen aircraft at Groningen Airport

Fokker Next Gen is aiming to build assembly plant at Groningen Airport Eelde for its new hydrogen-powered aircraft that is to be launched in 2035. To make the airport suitable as an assembly location, Fokker Next Gen found 15 partners in the energy and aviation sectors for the development of a green hydrogen infrastructure.

The LOI was signed by Fokker Next Gen and its partners: Province of Drenthe, RWE, Hynetwork, Engie, NLR, NOM, Shell, Airport Creators, New Energy Coalition, TotalEnergies, Airbus Netherlands, Groningen Seaports and Groningen Airport Eelde.

Image by Fokker Next Gen

These parties will cooperate in developing what Fokker Next Gen calls “the most efficient and sustainable hydrogen network possible”. The aim is to store hydrogen, transport it and eventually supply it to customers such as airlines. Besides carrying out a feasibility study, issues such as obtaining permits and attracting financial resources will also be tackled jointly. The initiative is supported by the Ministry of Defense and Schiphol Airport.

The Dutch aircraft manufacturer has expressed its ambition to eventually produce around 150 aircraft a year, half of which will be produced in the Netherlands.