
Airports are the key to aviation decarbonisation

The airports of the world will need to play a key role in the further development of sustainable aviation. To help rollout new technologies such as hydrogen and electric propulsion and Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), the support of airports is crucial, states the World Economic Forum (WEF).

WEF is the well-known international non-governmental and lobbying organisation for multinational companies. At the launch of ‘Airports of Tomorrow’, WEF’s new flagship aviation decarbonisation initiative, the organization made clear that airports will play a central role in building, financing and housing the infrastructure for the new technologies that are to help aviation reach its zero-emission target of 2050.

With its ‘Airports of Tomorrow’ initiative, WEF aims to activate airports to take up their crucial role in decarbonizing the industry. WEF believes that it is important to address the new infrastructure requirements for the energy transition. In this initiative, WEF brings together government leaders, climate experts and CEOs from the aviation, energy, construction and finance sectors who agree on the urgent need to reach net zero.

Three-quarters of the projected costs for novel propulsion technologies, such as hydrogen (fuel-cell) and battery electric flight, are related to infrastructure. WEF, in its launch statement: “This initiative brings public and private stakeholders to the table to drive unprecedented collaboration and change in the sector. It will maximise the potential for airports to be vehicles for economic growth and environmental prosperity.”