AI may be planning your next safe and efficient flight
Artificial Intelligence may soon play a role in aviation, by offering safe and fuel-efficient flight plans to airlines. Flyways is the solution of a Silicon Valley company called Airspace Intelligence, which is hoping to make air travel more ‘green’ by cutting fuel consumption – and hence CO2 emissions.
Flyways is a clever AI solution that suggests the best routes to airline planners, taking into account weather, wind speeds, and other air traffic. According to a report by Time, machine learning enables Flyways to spot weather threats and other potential problems before humans are aware of them, which helps dispatchers and pilots avoid stressful last-minute changes.
Trials suggest that Flyways offers advantages. Last year, during a six-month trial at a US airline, the AI solution found an opportunity to reduce flight times and fuel on 64% of the flights. It cut an average of 5.3 minutes off each flight of the airline, saving a total of 480,000 gallons of fuel and avoiding 4,600 tons of carbon emissions.